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What is Early Education and why do we have it?

So, I was looking at the top search keywords attached to education. I came across one that I was surprised to find on the list. A subject that I was sure everyone knew the importance of it and why it is in place. Not once have I ever doubted or thought twice about it. In this post, I will be telling you what it is and why we have it. Clear the air!

So, this topic I found was, What is Early Childhood Education? Um, HELLO!! This is the most crucial years for a toddler to learn basic skills he or she will use the rest of their lives. Early Childhood Education is schooling that provides children with Language and Literacy Development, Executive Function, Social and Emotional Development, Cognitive Development, and Creative Expression. These skills are something we still use as adults today. The structure for these can be started at home and can be brought into schooling when you feel your child is ready. Generally, your child will start school in some sort around 3-years-old.

Here at Double Duty that's what we incorporate into our curriculum that we give you. We make sure each child is well maintained and can start to learn what will be expected from them on the road to Kindergarten. Executive function is one of the most important skills we work on- Time management! Also, it is the kids learning to self-discipline and pay attention in lessons. To do this we, keep lessons semi-short and engaging; lots of crafting, music, or play.

So, why do we have Early Childhood Education, you may ask? Kids need to learn basic skills and concepts before we let them continue up the schooling line. There are some basic blanket items children should know before they enter Kindergarten and grade school. These are taught using toddler friendly methods. Most places that teach these topics cost a fortune. With Double Duty, we don't charge for our online lesson plans. We do have things to purchase though to better equip you with teaching tools.

There are not many home school sites that give you the opportunity to succeed like Double Duty do. We want you to teach your little one(s) great things! We want you to have to best education on what education tools and subjects to tech your child. Now, we do have one on one sessions that I can do with you to come up with a very specific lesson plan and cirriculum for your child and how you can get the best out of it. You just have to put one foot forward and start the home school journey.

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