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Is Home-school Really Detrimental?

The other day my father read my post about me starting a blog and my starting to Home School my daughter. He was very upset with my choice to do so. He started by saying it's not good for her and she needs to stop being sheltered. How is that fair for him to say? He doesn't live with us and does not see what she does on a day to day basis.

For those of you who think Home School is a bad idea, continue reading. My daughter is 2 years old. She has had a lot of change in her short little life. I never got to be there a lot because I had to work. To create a little stability I created lesson plans and stuff for her to do. Similar to what she would learn in pre-school I can teach her. I took what I learned in Early and Elementary Education at Bradley University and made the lessons. This gives us time to spend together learning new things and gives me a chance to practice my teaching.

Does it make her sheltered? No, because she is learning at the same time. It allows me to instill important things like Manners, Music, Art, and more. It is a little better for her at 2 to be in a one on one environment for learning as she can have more attention and be more focused. In the social aspect she is signed up for activities with other children. Olivia never was sheltered. She went to play-places and parks. Just because we did not have to pay does not mean she is sheltered. Also. she played with her cousins and neighbors too.

I guess the crazy Home-School parents are always fighting the "Norm" to be able to do what they think is best for their child. Who ever said parents don't know best? Isn't the saying "parents know best?" How can you judge a parent for doing what they know best? Don't knock it till you try it.

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